Perspectives on leadership for sustainability

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Thank you for considering participating in this study I am conducting as part of my PhD research at the University of Cumbria, UK. You are invited to contribute your perspective on statements reflecting various ideas about sustainability leadership. They were chosen because they echo the philosophy and methods of Charlotte Mason (1842-1923). You will arrange the statements to express those that most resonate with you, followed by a short survey. It is estimated to take 20-30 minutes to complete.

Your expertise and experience provides an important foundation to uncover distinct expressions of sustainability leadership. Through the viewpoints located via the analysis this study could offer researchers and practitioners a deeper understanding of the resonate ideas and language of leadership towards more regenerative and thriving social, economic, and ecological systems.

If you encounter any difficulties using the software, this video is available to assist. The most common issue on the page sorting statements into the grid sheet can be resolved by using the zoom in feature, and dragging in the white spaces between boxes to navigate around.

Below is the official information sheet. If you would like to participate, the link above will take you into the study. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. If there is anyone you believe would be interested in participating please pass on to them!


Joanna Stanberry


Participant Information Sheet


Title of Study: 

The value of Charlotte Mason for re-forming leadership for sustainability: Perspectives from practitioners and scholars 


About the study 

My PhD research works to connect the philosophy and methods of the Victorian education reformer Charlotte Mason (1842-1923) with theory and praxis for sustainability leadership. The findings will contribute to understanding the ways in which Mason's approach could help advance solutions for the interconnected human-environment problems facing communities, organizations, and societies.

The study offers a series of statements gathered largely from influential writers in leadership and sustainability over the past several decades. They illustrate aspects of Mason’s philosophy and methods. Your participation requires sorting and ranking statements into a grid shape based on which ideas most resonate with your perspective, and then completing a written survey following this activity. 

Some questions you may have about the research project:


Why have you asked me to take part and what will I be required to do? 

You have been asked because you represent someone who might be interested in the topic of study. You will be required to contribute approximately 30-45 minutes of your time. During this time you will be presented with a card sorting exercise and then asked to complete some written survey questions about the exercise. You will be offered an opportunity to be contacted for a follow-up interview, but this is not required.


What if I do not wish to take part or change my mind during the study?

Your participation in the study is entirely voluntary. You are free to withdraw from the study at any time without having to provide a reason for doing so, such as leaving the card sorting activity midway through. If you wish to withdraw from the study after completing the card-sorting exercise and survey, you will have 14 days from the date of your signed consent form to notify Joanna Stanberry through the contact information provided below.


What happens to the research data?

The data will be stored on the University of Cumbria system. It will be analysed by me (Joanna) to understand how your perspective contributes to the formation of shared viewpoints.

When the information is shared with the public, my best effort will be made to redact identifying information.


How will the research be reported?

The results will be shared in my PhD Thesis which will be made available to the public through the University of Cumbria's online institutional repository. Additionally, I will share the study findings through scholarly publications and presentations. A brief summary report will also be made available to the public.


How can I find out more information?

Please contact the researcher directly. 

Joanna Stanberry, Postgraduate Researcher

University of Cumbria in Ambleside 

The Barn, Rydal Rd, Ambleside LA22 9BB

United Kingdom


What if I want to complain about the research

Initially you should contact the researcher directly. However, if you are not satisfied or wish to make a more formal complaint you should contact Dr Paul Miller, Chair of Research Ethics Email:


This study has been approved by the University of Cumbria Ethics Panel.